Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 7 - [Insert Clever Title]

Week 7 Results

This week's winner:

John - 10-3 (+3)
Jeremy - 9-4 (+2)
Patrick - 8-5 (+1)
Jarrett - 7-6
Joel - 7-6
Jonathan - 7-6
Roger - 7-6
Bob - 6-7

Well, positions one through eight remain unchanged after week 7, but John's lead continues to increase. How far is John ahead? If John didn't make his picks for the next two weeks, he still would remain ahead of Joel!

In the battle for the silver medal, Jeremy is less than one point behind Patrick.

Joel's love affair with Arizona continued. When will he come to his senses and permanently break up with the Cardinals? Adding to Joel's misery was a second straight loss for his Lions.

"What? John picked us, and Joel picked Arizona? YEAH! Looks like a win for us!"--Lamar Woodley


Current Standings

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